Close up of Blackberry Classic Smartphone

Technology Change – Moving into the 21st Century

I’ve had Trendincite LLC for 7 years and I’ve just now decided to move into the 21st century by having a blog.  I’m afraid of technology and change. My underlying belief is “if it isn’t broken then don’t fix it.”

As some of you know I pay attention to details and I’m a perfectionist or at least I try to be, particularly when I write. There were a few reasons I didn’t want a blog… 1) it adds more things to do to my never ending list, 2)  it requires me to write in 1st person with no editors to review my work, 3) it’s not scripted or researched compared to my business writing and last but not least, 4) it might be boring.  Anyhow, here it is.

For a person who professionally follows trends and enjoys new products and experiences, technology scares me.  No matter what industry you’re in, technology is what propels products and services to move forward.  I do appreciate this. However, I have no interest in having the latest or the greatest new gadget. I still have my Blackberry Bold 9930 and I’m not embarrassed to use it.

Two years ago my husband gave me an IPhone for my birthday.  Knowing me so well, he paid in full so that he didn’t have to change my plan just in case I didn’t want to make the change.  I’m in trends, so naturally I should have excitedly opened the phone right away and never looked back. What did I do?  I stared at the apple logo on the wrapped package for quite some time and then apologetically said thank you, but no thank you.  You know why? I was afraid to make the change when I didn’t need to. I have too many distractions in life already and I can’t keep up with what I do have. I didn’t want all of the great bells and whistles. I want simplicity and efficiency.  I like typing on my Blackberry instead of a touch screen and it meets all of my basic professional and personal needs for now – calendar, address book, e-mail, text, camera etc. Technology requires embracing change.  It’s constantly being updated and unless my needs aren’t being met, I don’t see a reason to embrace change.

My final thought…although brand loyalty is hard to come by these days (because there are way too many choices), I can understand why consumers stay with a product or service because it meets their needs at the time.

Who knows what’s next? I could have a twitter account, an IPhone, IPad, or an e-mail address that isn’t aol. You’ll have to follow me to see what happens.



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